Combating Poverty in Europe: Active inclusion and the European Pillar of Social Rights


Keynote Speaker: Bjørn Hvinden, Director, Norwegian Social Research (NOVA)
Discussant: Freek Spinnewijn, Director, FEANTSA
Chair: Bart Vanhercke, Director, European Social Observatory

Discovering methods to effectively combat poverty and social exclusion has become a major political challenge in Europe, especially in the context of the European Pillar of Social Rights. Bjørn Hvinden will present recent analysis of how this challenge is met by actors at European, national and subnational levels. Building on a European study comparing Germany, Italy, Poland, Sweden and the UK, a newly published book provides new insights into the processes and mechanisms that promote or hinder interaction between the increasingly multi-layered European system for responding to poverty and social exclusion in EU Member States. Drawing on comparative analyses (in terms of social policy design, institutional frameworks and delivery practices), the speakers will highlight lessons learned in view of the ongoing consultation about the European Pillar of Social Rights and the BREXIT debate.