From the European Semester to the COVID-19 crisis: Macro-economic policy coordination and its implications for social and regional partners


14.00 - 16.00 CET (Brussels time)

Webinar organised by the University of Victoria (Canada) and the OSE (Brussels), with the support of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR).

It will address changes to the European Semester caused by the COVID-19 crisis and the implications for social and regional actors in the context of the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility, and will present results from recent research and provide a state-of-the-art analysis of ten years of macro-economic policy coordination with a focus on three questions:
- to what extent is the European Semester successfully implemented in the domestic arena?
- to what extent do domestic institutions and stakeholders play a crucial role in the success (or lack thereof) of the European Semester?
- what lessons can we learn from past economic policy coordination for the challenges ahead?

Rob Jonkman, European Committee of the Regions, Alderman of the municipality of Opsterland, The Netherlands
Kajus Hagelstam, European Parliament
Luc Tholoniat, European Commission
Alison Weston, European External Action Service
Sebastiano Sabato, European Social Observatory (OSE)
Alexandra Maatsch, University of Wrocławski

Moderator: Wolfgang Petzold, European Committee of the Regions