Socio-economic governance

In view of the formidable challenges ahead related to recovery from the Covid-19 crisis and to the green and digital transitions, the ETUI asked the OSE, following a competitive tender, to reflect on how the EU social governance toolbox could be further strengthened.

The OSE was contracted by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) to conduct research which will result in the 23rd edition of the ‘Bilan social’ (the short name of the book in French), which will be edited this year by Bart Vanhercke, Sebastiano Sabato and Slavina Spasova. Other contributors to the book include Angelina Atanasova, David Bokhorst, Petra Debusscher, Federico Fabbrini, Matteo Marenco, Zane Rasnača and Sotiria Theodoropoulou.
The OSE was contracted by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) to conduct research which resulted in the 22nd edition of the ‘Bilan social’ (the short name of the book in French), edited by Bart Vanhercke and Slavina Spasova. Contributors to the book include Cinzia Alcidi, Angelina Atanasova, Denis Bouget, Hans Bruyninckx, Francesco Corti, Michael Dauderstädt, Thibaud Deruelle, Boris Fronteddu, Gülcin Karadeniz, Jock Martin, Aida Ponce Del Castillo and Amy Verdun.