Gouvernance économique

The OSE was awarded a new project for providing the Belgian National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance (NIHDI) with expertise and analysis on EU policies with a potential impact on national health care systems. This project is the continuation of a longstanding collaboration between the OSE and the NIHDI in this field.

The project includes : 

Bart Vanhercke and Jonathan Zeitlin (University of Amsterdam) have been tasked by the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the EU to assess how social and employment issues are being considered in the European Semester. The report will also pinpoint possible shortcomings of the current process and propose concrete suggestions on how the social policy dimension can be further enhanced within the EPSCO Council formation.

Jonathan Zeitlin (University of Amsterdam) and Bart Vanhercke conducted joint work on behalf of the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS) on economic governance and social policy coordination in the European Semester and Europe 2020. The European Semester of policy coordination, introduced since the beginning of the Euro crisis, has prompted questions about the nature and dynamics of the EU’s emerging socio-economic governance architecture.

Bart Vanhercke was appointed, for the academic year 2013-2014, Associate Professor at the Institute for European Studies of Saint-Louis University (FUSL), where he is teaching a course on “The European Social Model and Employment” in the (FR/EN) Master of European Studies, a second cycle programme.

Bart Vanhercke was appointed, for the academic year 2013-2014, Associate Professor at the Institute for European Studies of Saint-Louis University (FUSL), where he is teaching a course on “The European Social Model and Employment” in the (FR/EN) Master of European Studies, a second cycle programme.

L'OSE a remporté un contrat avec la maison d'édition EDIESSE, qui publie la "Rivista delle Politiche Sociali" (Revue de politique sociale), une revue italienne vouée à être un point de référence pour les débats, perspectives et analyses sur les questions du bien-être, pour conduire une recherche sur les développements sociaux dans l'Union européenne. L'OSE résumera, 4 fois par an, le résultat de cette recherche dans un Digest ("Osservatorio Europa") pour le journal.