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Background report for the Social Protection Committee’s In-depth Review on sickness benefits (17 October 2016)
European Social Protection Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission, 42 p.
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European Social Protection Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission, 52 p.
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European Social Protection Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission
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Study for the LIBE Committee, Policy Department C (Citizens’ Rights and constitutional affairs), DG Internal Policies, European Parliament, PE510.015, 2015, 75p.
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European Social Protection Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission, 2015
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OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No.20, July 2015, 38p.
Bouget D., Frazer H., Marlier E., Peña-Casas R. and Vanhercke B.
European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Brussels: European Commission, 2015, 52 p.
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Radio Télévision belge francophone (RTBF)
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