Afterwork discussion, 3 October 2024, 17.00-18.40 + Buffet and drink (Local and organic)
Organised by the ETUI and the OSE, with Università degli studi di Padova – SPGI Dep. and Università degli studi di Milano.
This afterwork discussion will be an opportunity to consider how well a just transition has been integrated into the European Green Deal (EGD) so far, and how environmental and social goals can be better aligned in future EU policies. The event will focus on the relationship between European welfare systems and the green transition, exploring whether and how 'eco-social policies' - which aim to achieve both environmental and social objectives - could offer effective solutions.
17.00 – 17.10: Welcome by Slavina Spasova (Director, OSE) and Paolo Graziano (Professor, University of Padua)
17.10 – 17.20: Introduction - Setting the scene and presentation of the results of the workshop
Sebastiano Sabato (Senior researcher, OSE)
17.20 – 18.00: Roundtable discussion:
Chair: Bianca Luna Fabris (Researcher, ETUI)
Speakers: Frank Siebern-Thomas (Head of Unit, DG EMPL), Peter Schmidt (President, EESC NAT), Ludovic Voet (Confederal Secretary, ETUC) and Thomas Wobben (Director, Dir. for Legislative work 2, CoR)
18.00 – 18.30: Debate with the audience
18.30 – 18.40: Conclusions and next steps
Paolo Graziano and Slavina Spasova
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18.40 – 20.30: Buffet and drink (Local and organic)