The EU facing the pandemic: from crisis to collective action


The OSE and the ETUI invite you to a first webinar at the occasion of the launch of the 21st edition of ‘Social policy in the European Union’. 

Introduction: Philippe Pochet (ETUI), Oliver Röpke (ÖGB, EESC) and Bart Vanhercke (OSE)
'After the European elections and the first wave of Covid-19: prospects for EU social policymaking'
Karen Anderson (University College Dublin)
'The economic and social consequences of Covid-19'
Martin Myant (ETUI)
'Covid-19 and European Union health policy: from crisis to collective action'
Anniek de Ruijter (University of Amsterdam)
Q&A with the audience
Panel discussion with
László Andor (Foundation for European Progressive Studies-FEPS)
Margarida Arenga (Permanent Representation of Portugal to the EU)
Antoine Kasel (Cabinet of the Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit)
Luca Visentini (European Trade Union Confederation–ETUC)
Conclusions: Slavina Spasova (OSE) and Boris Fronteddu (OSE) 

Slides Anderson (449.67 KB)
Slides Myant (116.56 KB)