Social developments in the European Union 2011


The OSE has been contracted by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) to conduct research with a view to publishing a book on the “Social developments in the European Union 2011”. Apart from the OSE researchers, the 12th edition of this publication figures authors such as Giuliano Amato and Yves Mény (on the paradoxes around EU institutional developments in 2011), Patrick Diamond and Roger Liddle (on the Eurozone’s fitful search for better economic governance) as well as Christophe Degryse and Philippe Pochet (on the worrying trends in the new European governance). In the concluding chapter David Natali looks forward and puts the question whether the European Social Model really has gone.

With a look into such varied field of enquiries as the role of structural funds in austerity (Marjorie Jouen), taking stock of European social dialogue (Christophe Degryse and Stefan Clauwaert), Europe 2020 and the fight against poverty and social exclusion (Ramón Peña-Casas), health care policies (Rita Baeten and Sarah Thomson) and an overview of key judgments delivered by the Court of Justice (Dalila Ghailani), the contributors to this research project present a thorough analysis of the main social developments that took place in Europe during the year 2011.

OSE researchers involved in this project: Rita Baeten, Cécile Barber, Dalila Ghailani and Ramón Peña-Casas