Schoukens P., Spasova S., De Becker E., Haapanala H. and Marenco M.
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No. 64, June 2024, 54p.
Schoukens P., Spasova S., De Becker E., Haapanala H. and Marenco M.
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No. 64, June 2024, 54p.
Ghailani D., Peña-Casas R., Coster S. and Regazzoni P.
European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union
Spasova S. and Regazzoni P.
International Social Security Review, Volume 75.2, 2022
Spasova S., Ghailani D., Sabato S. and Vanhercke B.
ETUI, The European Trade Union Institute, Working paper 2022.10, April 2022, Brussels
Hooker J. and Antonucci L.
OSE Paper Series, Opinion Paper No. 28, Brussels: European Social Observatory, 2022, 23 p.
Spasova S., Atanasova A. and Regazzoni, P.
European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2022
Emma Raucent
OSE Paper Series, Research Paper N° 50, Novembre 2022, 23p.
Spasova S., Ghailani D., Sabato S., Coster S., Fronteddu B. and Vanhercke B.
Brussels, ETUI and OSE, 51 p.
Spasova S., Ghailani D., Sabato S. and Vanhercke B. (Eds.)
Brussels, ETUI, 117p, 2021
Baptista I., Marlier E., Spasova S., Peña-Casas R., Fronteddu B., Ghailani D., Sabato S. and Regazzoni P.
European Social Policy Network (ESPN), Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.