The impact of digitalisation on job quality and social dialogue in public services


The job quality of public sector workers has deteriorated across Europe, while the quality of public services in themselves is being questioned. Digitalisation, moreover, has significantly changed the work organisation and job-related tasks of public service workers. The European Commission-funded research project ‘DIGIQU@LPUBaims to spell out the impact of digitalisation on job quality in public services, by highlighting the perceptions of workers themselves. At the core of the project are eight country studies, covering electricity producers and suppliers, public administrations and hospitals. 

The roundtable in Brussels will be an opportunity for an exchange of views between researchers and national and European stakeholders on the topic. Leading experts in the field will shed light on recent developments, challenges and opportunities. They will comment on DIGIQU@LPUB’s preliminary research findings, now that the project is mid-term.

Confirmed speakers: Dalila Ghailani, Ilse Heylen, Pauline Martin, Ramón Peña-Casas, Salvo Leonardi, Eckard Voss and Richard Pond.

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