
What lessons can Belgium learn from other countries?

Martini J. and Davesne A.

OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No. 65, July 2024, 141p.

The study on “How to implement key elements of the European Pillar of Social Rights: what is needed to guarantee a positive social impact” will provide the Workers’ Group of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) with recommendations on effective implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights. Particular attention is given to the ways in which social partners and civil society could play an important role in consultation and participation, in particular through the EESC. The study focuses on three priority areas: fair working conditions, collective bargaining and wages.

The new PROWELFARE, financed by the European Commission, started in December 2014. It is a two-year project coordinated by the European Social Observatory (OSE) which involves 10 partners (see the dedicated website). PROWELFARE examines the role of social partners - particularly of trade unions - in the provision of welfare protection through occupational schemes. Specific objectives of the project are:

The OSE was contracted by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) to conduct research, which resulted in a book on “Social developments in the European Union 2013”. The 15th edition of this publication (published in July 2014) featured authors such as Anton Hemerijck (Fault lines and silver linings in Europe’s social market economy), Frank Vandenbroucke, Bart Vanhercke and John Morley (A European Social Union), and Ferdinand Fichtner (Euro area-wide unemployment insurance).

This research partnership between the OSE and the Centre for European Studies aims to address the topic of sustainable growth within the EU. In particular, the project focuses on a definition of sustainable and qualitative growth, past and current developments in innovation and governance, and recommended policy proposals.

The OSE has been contracted by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) to conduct research, which resulted in a book on the “Social developments in the European Union 2012”. The 14th edition of this publication features authors such as Paul De Grauwe (From financial to social and political risks in the Eurozone), Alexander Trechsel and Claudius Wagemann (The EU in 2012: political and institutional tensions) and Georg Feigl, Sven Hergovich and Miriam Rehm (Beyond GDP: can we re-focus the debate?).