Working for Equity in Health: Developing Evidence for Country Strategies on Health Inequalities on Work, Worklessness and Social Protection - an assets based approach

The European Social Observatory (OSE) took part in the project “Working for Equity in Health” whose objective is to identify and understand to what extent unemployment and social protection are determinants of health inequality, in Member States. The project, funded by the European Commission, included 25 organisations from 12 Member States; it was coordinated by HAPI (Health Action Partnership International) for a period of 24 months.

The research provided elements for the assessment of the relationship between employment and health: identified the practices which lead to health inequalities; proposed a future scenario for this relationship; realized a case study in two Member States; and developed an expert network. In this PROGRESS-funded project, Régine Kiasuwa and Bart Vanhercke co-authored, with Linden Farrer and Stecy Yghemonos from EuroHealthNet, a Discussion Paper. The latter was used as the background document for an Expert Forum on Macro Drivers of Health Equity (Brussels, 19-20 January 2012).

OSE team members that worked on this project: Régine Kiasuwa and Bart Vanhercke.