Working, Yet Poor - WorkYP


The OSE is a partner in a new Horizon2020 European research project named ‘Working, Yet Poor’ (WorkYP). The project (2020- 2023) is being coordinated by the University of Luxembourg and involves eight European universities as well as three ‘social rights institutions’, including the OSE and the European Anti-poverty network (EAPN). The consortium explores the drivers of the recurrent phenomenon of in-work poverty (IWP) in the EU in the light of social rights of EU workers and citizens, notably those proclaimed in the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR). The project will make recommendations to the EU and Member States to strengthen the objectives of the EPSR.

WorkYP covers seven countries: Belgium, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Sweden and The Netherlands. In each country four clusters of particularly Vulnerable and Underrepresented Persons (VUP Groups) have been identified. WorkYP uses a multifaceted and multidisciplinary methodology that combines legal and socio-economic analysis. In addition to being involved in various analytical work packages (WPs), the OSE is leader of a WP aiming to draw up recommendations and policy proposals to tackle IWP by improving the social rights of the VUP.

OSE researchers involved: Ramón Peña-Casas (project leader), Stéphanie Coster, Dalila Ghailani and Bart Vanhercke.