
What lessons can Belgium learn from other countries?

Martini J. and Davesne A.

OSE Paper Series, Research Paper No. 65, July 2024, 141p.

Ghailani D. and Peña-Casas R.

in Natali D., Pavolini  E. with Vanhercke B. (eds.), Occupational Welfare in Europe: Risks, opportunities and social partner involvement, European Trade Union Institute – European Social Observatory, Brussels, 2018, pp.125-146.

The OSE was awarded a three-year project to provide the Belgian National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance (NIHDI-INAMI-RIZIV) and the Belgian health authorities with expertise and analysis on EU policies with a potential impact on national healthcare systems. This project is the continuation of a longstanding collaboration between the OSE and the NIHDI in this field.

The project includes:

The OSE, along with the Research Institute for Work and Society (HIVA, KULeuven), conducted a research project aimed at exploring the practices of Belgian Public Centres for Social Action (PCSA), whose work is related to the social integration of first and second-generation migrants. The research investigated the practices of PCSAs, the partnerships that are mobilised and the interaction with other (social) policy strands. The project combined the findings of a web survey of the 587 Belgian PCSAs with more in-depth case studies.