European Pillar of Social Rights

The many lives of the Social Open Method of Coordination

Vanhercke B.

in Vanhercke B., Ghailani D. and Spasova S. with Pochet P. (eds.), Social policy in the European Union 1999-2019: the long and winding road, Brussels, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and European Social Observatory (OSE), pp 99-123.


Vanhercke B., Sabato S. and Ghailani D.

in Vanhercke B., Ghailani D. and Sabato S. (eds.), Social Policy in the European Union: State of Play 2018, Brussels: European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and European Social Observatory (OSE), pp.153-172.

The European Commission-funded programme for cooperation between the EU and Latin America on social and employment policies ‘EUROsociAL+’ asked the OSE to conduct a study on the socio-ecological dimension of the EU recovery from the Covid-19 crisis. The objective of this research is twofold. First, to identify and discuss relevant initiatives taken at the EU level aimed at linking and making environmental and social objectives compatible in the recovery from the Covid-19 crisis.

The OSE was contracted by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) to write a preliminary assessment of whether the European Green Deal (EGD) constitutes a suitable policy framework to combine environmental and economic objectives with the pursuit of social fairness, thus ensuring a just transition towards more sustainable economies and societies. The resulting Working paper focuses on two elements that appear crucial to the achievement of a socially just transition in the framework of the EGD.