Looking for a needle in a haystack? Digitalisation, job quality and social dialogue in Poland

Owczarek D. and Pańków M.

DIGIQU@LPUB project, OSE Working Paper Series, Research Paper No. 51, April 2023, 48p.

Release date

This Research paper presents the Polish case study of the European Commission-funded project ‘DIGIQU@LPUB’, which examines the impact of digitalisation on job quality and social dialogue in the public services in three sectors: electricity, public administration and healthcare. The impact of digitalisation on working conditions, employee well-being and job satisfaction is rather positive in Poland. The assessment of digital solutions may be less positive than it could be, due to the flawed or at least suboptimal way in which they are implemented. This may also be due to the weakness of social dialogue at both the national and sectoral level. The report advances a series of policy recommendations.

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