What is the concrete impact of the increased use of ICTs in public services on the content and quality of jobs? This is the central question of the research project that the OSE has just begun for the European Federation of Public Services (EPSU). After reviewing the literature and carrying out targeted interviews with sectorial EPSU delegates, the project will focus on reporting the perceptions of workers themselves about the positive and negative effects of ICT on their work.
Job quality
The OSE has been an active member of RECWOWE since the creation of this Network of Excellence. Funded by the European Commission under the 6th Framework Programme for research, RECWOWE aims at overcoming the fragmentation of European research on issues related to work and welfare.
L’OSE est membre actif de RECWOWE depuis la création de ce Réseau d’Excellence. Financé par la Commission européenne sous l’égide du 6ème programme-cadre, RECWOWE vise à remédier à la fragmentation de la recherche européenne sur l’emploi et le welfare.
The OSE has been an active member of RECWOWE since the creation of this Network of Excellence. Funded by the European Commission under the 6th Framework Programme for research, RECWOWE aims at overcoming the fragmentation of European research on issues related to work and welfare.
DIGIQU@LPUB final conference, 25 September 2023, 9 AM – 4.15 PM, Brussels/Online
During the past two years, eight country teams have assessed how digitalisation has impacted on job quality and social dialogue in the public services across Europe.
The job quality of public sector workers has deteriorated across Europe, while the quality of public services in themselves is being questioned. Digitalisation, moreover, has significantly changed the work organisation and job-related tasks of public service workers.