Social dialogue

CAPRIGHT is a European research work funded by the European Commission (DG research, under the Sixth Framework Programme - FP6) and coordinated by Nancy University/CNRS. It aims at the promotion of individual and collective capabilities, studying the relations between labour markets, employment and welfare regimes: the objective of CAPRIGHT is to build an innovative theoretical framework offering a basis for new understandings of these relations.

With Ana Cardoso - CESIS, Pedro Perista - CESIS, Emmanuele Pavolini - University of Macerata, Antonieta Ministro - Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security–GEP (Portugal), Catarina Dantas Machado - EC Representation in Portugal, Fernando Marques - CGTP-IN, Salvatore Marra - CGIL, Ana Paula Bernardo - General Union of Workers–UGT, Helena Leal - Portuguese Commerce and Services Confederation–CCP. Moderator: Bart Vanhercke – OSE.

Slavina Spasova, PhD in Political Science (Université Libre de Bruxelles, ULB), has been OSE's Director since 1st of December 2023. Previously, she was a Senior researcher (2021) and a researcher (2016) working in the area of social protection at the OSE. She is the OSE coordinator in the European Social Policy Network (ESPN). As such her research agenda focuses on various social protection topics such as protection for the self-employed, pension reforms, work-life balance, healthcare, long-term care, sickness benefits.

Team OSE

The final conference of the INVOTUNES research project will bring together researchers, EU and national policymakers, social partners and other stakeholders to discuss the present and future role of social partners in the Semester. There will be ample time to consider the project’s key findings and examine the eight case studies (BE, BG, DE, FI, HU, IT, PT and SE).